Alidra Alic'a delicious jewels dropped in my lap by way of the cool hunting website. Her pieces are innovative and graceful, the adornments of a true lady.

"Alidra Alic's dreamily surrealist "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" collection gives a stunning glimpse into the jewelry designer's looking-glass aesthetic. Inspired by the decorative floral motifs that emerged from the romantic period of the 1800s, the mostly resin and plastic-based
creations exude a wondrous, logic-defying sensibility.
To craft the collection, the Copenhagen-based designer applied self-invented techniques to create hundreds of plastic forms—a rigorous process which can take as long as six months to complete. She also incorporates additional materials, such as freshwater pearls (like in the "Drink Me" ring, pictured below) and precious stones, as well as gold and silver." by Laura Neilson